How Agricultural and Rural Chaplaincy Supports Farmers and Rural Communities: Revd. Canon Richard Kirlew
Help and KindnessWhere can you find out about the Warm Hubs near where you live in Dorset? One answer is the wonderful website Help and Kindness, which...
A Post-Pandemic Reality CheckAwe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles. All who believed were together and had all things...
Chaplaincy Initiative: Sneak PeakOne of the main thrusts of what IBEX is about is Chaplaincy. This was brought home to me on the first Sunday of Lent when I was preaching...
Basingstoke Town Chaplaincy – Amazingstoke Town Chaplaincy!After a year of Zoom it was great to be able to meet some of the Basingstoke Town Chaplains face to face in November. Like other town...
Well, what did we do with our church?In the relatively recent past, IBEX ran a number of sessions entitled What Shall We Do With Our Church? It followed on from the...
Can business be part of the solution to our major challenges?In February I took advantage of the latest lockdown to attend an online conference at The British Academy. The title of the conference...